Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Magnetosphere Will Subside

Christ Michael and Candace May 24, 2009

Dearly beloveds, it has seemingly been some time since I have issued an update. We have been most busy. We are setting it up (again) so Iran may not be attacked, nothing new there, just to let you know this has still been the game plan of the US of A and Israel. Russian troops will be able to fully assist if anything occurs, as these are your battles to be handled on the ground, but we do provide various kinds of assistance.

I have been kept informed of the endless material at Fourwinds by Casper, and Whistle blower. Also of that posted by Christopher Story and Poof. Wanta’s funds are long gone. The funds for NESARA are long gone. These will not manifest. In regards to what has the best current truth, that would be Whistleblower, regards how the world itself is kept funded with the Collateral Accounts, and these funds are what runs the world and not anything at all related to NESARA and GESARA.

GESARA is not funded by ANY of man’s funds. We have all the metals necessary and worlds are not gifted with these until ready, and the gifts included in addition to monies, hard monies, are the up and coming technology this is covered in PJ #50 and you may refer to it. Candace has this up and has drawn attention before.

The NESARA idea was a fine one, and built up over 200 years but it did not manifest. And your world was not really ready for it, UNLESS we could have the international attention required as part of the Second Coming mission we have long covered in these reports. There was some hope in 2004, and 2005, and a little more after that of manifesting this whole program.

When I said we would go global as in GESARA, for ease of understanding, I am referring to that which comes prior to the installation of Light and Life status on a world. We do need the global banking system and it is not manifesting in any shape or form right now because of the squabbling. These will manifest after stasis.

We will not let out any funding. If the NESARA funds could be recaptured, they would still be useless at this point and stolen as there is failure to remove the thugs by the people behind them or the masses. Christians and other religionists are all still focused on return of various masters and not focused whatsoever on doing anything about helping out ON the planet. The misunderstanding of God remains so great as to be insurmountable at this point.

Back in 2005 we put 25,000 star people in bodies on the ground to help in a large number of areas. Some have had some success in furthering ideas needed around sustainability and you are seeing the results of this, if you can look past MSM. They are moderately successful in setting up some of the banking behind the banking you might say, but not successful with the masterful thugs at all. We have lost quite a few to bullets. We are very careful how and what is done. Any additional manifestation in banking is done by hologram, they can’t kill a 3d “movie.”

We placed 5000 people into the various religious organizations as “members.” This was a complete failure by all accounts. The failure in Christianity and Islam was complete, and we made NO progress whatsoever and pulled our people back out. While these ones didn’t suffer murder, you can imagine what they did suffer from foul tongues. It was the worst in Christianity. You ones generally in that religion who have such foul mouths most certainly will NOT be experiencing any sort of rapture/ascension. God does not need you in “heaven.”

There is no real hope left of getting anymore done. We are letting the planet, as you know, go into its cleansing. We simply did not wish excessive cleansing, and so control the rate of the collapse of the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere will collapse and this process is exponential, which means the faster it goes the faster it goes, it is not linear, for those without a math background. It is getting close, but can’t be predicted as to the exact hour. When the magnetosphere is down, or crapped out, as Candace likes to say, you will be flooded with a lot of radiation of several types. Thus we move into stasis very rapidly as it is going down. All life is going to put into stasis, because of this.

Jupiter is back out in the corona again, to assist the process “naturally.” There are other “natural” processes also going on, which included large gamma ray blasts that are coming from INSIDE your solar system and not from distance creations, although of course the creation is always growing, and these events do occur.

Those of you watching Real Time, please note the times of many events since the beginning of this year. Gamma Ray events outside of the Milky Way do not operate on earth’s time frame. They do not happen most often at about 22:00 UTC or midnight UTC. These are “natural” in terms of from whence the energies come , but they come on OUR time intentionally to carry a message. Your dark ones will continue to label them GRBs from distance systems and put little pulsar looking things on their images of the sky. So be it.

Your wind stream, the solar wind as you label it has been very low for some time now. Your sun is very quiet, but your solar wind was getting lower long before the last intense solar cycle. It will take little to finish the crapping out [collapse] of the magnetosphere. A large coronal mass ejection should do it. Have some of you not noticed you have CMEs [immense energies] coming from the sides and back of the sun, but not the front? Why not the front? Could it be your space brothers [ETs] are stimulating your sun now at places of their desire? So be it.

Until the magnetosphere goes down, there will be more signs. A few more quakes, those of you sensitive picking up the gamma rays and the like, and huge weather changes. Crops are in, some will be harvested and stored. It remains to harvest the people. Who will be amongst them? As reported by AA Michael through Candace, more than we expected but less than we hoped [many will still not ascend and will continue on 3D worlds elsewhere].

To get to “heaven” you must have a sense of goodness. Good, is God with an extra O in English. What good is are the wars the Christians want to “bring on” Christ? Christ does not settle down on worlds engaged in war. Only those engaged in goodness. Where are you in American still, allowing this new thug in office [Obama] to continue the wars? He stated he would march right into Afghanistan and Pakistan and is it not so? The only good thing about who you voted for, is that you were able to vote for a black man, who is not that black as you notice. Obviously to ones who know not any better, which is most, he seemed a better choice than the old man and the sexy “broad” [Hillary] as you refer to women.

I noticed not any real action around Israel when it attacked little Gaza. That said, some of the Gazans are “Jews” by soul intent and since Israel was going to carry out their New World Order, some in Gaza did need to experience the other side of the coin. These were the slaughterers in their previous lives. Many had a hand in the genocide of your red brothers. That doesn’t however make it “right”, as the lesson was more for Americans and Europeans who ignore what is of God and allow slaughter.

Nobody incarnated to punish these ones, that is not how God does things, they suffered at the hands of their own kind, in fact at their own hands in that sense. We move forward still with the new plans. I remain saddened that “things” did not work out better. GAIA has had enough, we have helped with cleansing of pollution the best than can be done behind the scenes, until we can work more actively. It is time.

Namaste, I AM the Big Cheese, broadcasting from my Big Cheese Mobile.



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